Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Road to the Road

I have no money to speak of, so I was over at the University today, signing some pieces of paper that will make strangers pay for my education and then hunt me down to pay it back when I get some piece of paper called a "degree".  The people that hand out this "degree" require you to spend 8+ months of each of the next four years at their institution where they "teach" you all sorts of useful things and then let you play in a hospital unsupervised when you're done.  Sounds great.

I digress, actually I didn't even start out.  The point I was getting to was that I realized my view of the next three years of nursing is one of disdain, mostly.  I foresee the overlap of my existing knowledge and the nursing training as something to be loathed.

Now, if you're not a fan of copious amounts of sarcasm, then you should probably not be reading my blog now or ever.  I use sarcasm (as I always have) to deal with every situation from humorous ones to tense ones and this one is no different.  It may seem like I will mercilessly harp on other nursing students, professors, and the general public while not holding myself to any similar standard, but who doesn't?

Seriously, can you tell me that you wouldn't groan inside even a little bit when some self-righteous third-year (I'm technically second year now) nursing student tries to show you the correct way to put a nasal cannula on a patient?  You wouldn't balk just a little when an instructor gives you flak for not starting an IV the way you were told to do it in the textbook?

I doubt you could keep your cool or keep it for long (three years?).  So, an outlet for that pent up rage is needed and, lucky for all of you out there, I decided to channel it into this blog.
