Thursday, December 23, 2010

I'z a Nursw

I just completed my last final exam this past Saturday and out of my first semester of 'real' exposure to the Faculty of Nursing, I have to say that I'm a bit appalled.  No, it's not a student nurse, who speaks without thinking.

It's the faculty itself.

It's their spelling and grammar.

After writing three exams filled with typos, spelling errors, and grammar goofs, I simply cannot believe that degree and doctoral-trained professionals could allow such filth to be distributed en masse to the student body as a form of testing.  I neither expect my average fellow student to care as much as I do about this issue nor do I expect them to even notice the errors in the first place.  What I do expect is that the professors would have the decency to press the 'spell check' button at the conclusion of compiling their final exam.

This problem is not isolated to final exams.  I have witnessed the same carelessness throughout the semester.  I have been given "scheduals", informed that "your responsible to complete assignments in a timely manner", and have been constantly reminded to assess the patient's "ventillations".

To be clear, I do not expect perfection, a simple review would catch most of the mistakes I have seen and proof-reading from an appropriately-trained staff member would virtually eliminate the rest.  What I expect is an effort, and it is apparent that effort is not given to this area.

It is for these reasons that I added a small postscript note to the end of one of my finals that read: "You're spelling and grammar sucks bahls."

EDIT:  Just located the culmination of nursing's literary shortcomings here.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Early Christmas Gift

A special token of my appreciation for all your quick glances at my blog this semester: