Monday, November 23, 2009

My Waves

You all remember the great story when Jesus is walking on water and then Peter gets out of the boat and waltzes out a ways then he takes his eyes off Jesus and look sat the waves and starts to sink? Common knowledge, yeah? So, I was thinking about this story the other day and how I've got to keep my eyes on God and his faithfulness thus far in my life and have faith that it will continue and I feel a bit ashamed that I have worried so much already about things I can't know yet like my performance at school. I realize now that it would be fairly inconsistent of me to have believed that God's hand was so evident in my life up to this point and then completely forget that He exists when I consider future events.

As always, these lessons are easy to sum up but harder to to put into practice, especially when the waves in my life walk around in sweatsuits that say "Grad 2009" all over them...

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