Sunday, January 30, 2011

Good break...

Well, it's been a while.

I will admit that I have actively avoided blogging for a while because resuming this blog just brings home the message that Christmas is over and school is here to complicate life once again. I'll make up for it with a new QOTS in addition to a post. I'm sure you're all just riveted at this point...

Thought for the exam period:  iPod headphones do not have a volume setting that adequately combats pre-nursing exam henhouse noise.  If chronic insecurity was a particular scent, it would be CK Euphoria with a dollop of flop sweat.  Gag me.  Why do people have to be so insecure?  It is a choice, it's simply not even in the realm of good social graces to feel obligated to talk to other people you've seen a few times and spoken to fewer times.  I believe that I have already touched on that here.  If you're so insecure as to your knowledge base in a specific class that you feel you must poll each person who makes the mistake of making eye contact with you, then you've definitely got something to be worried about and it isn't just the test you're about to fail...

Now for that QOTS I promised you:

Prof - "When you percuss the lungs, you would expect to hear what?"

Overly Ambitious Yet Generally Rubbish Student - "Renaissance."

We're off to the races again!

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