A few thoughts on my first round of university final exams to share with you:
- We all deal with stress differently but you would be interested to know that when you have 400-500 people waiting to write an exam, most tend to do the same thing: Talk incessantly to the person nearest to you and try to gauge through indirect questioning whether you know more than they do.
- There is a God. Specifically, There is a strong positive correlation between the direction I have chosen and the success met the further I walk down the path. Don't mistake this for fair-weather fanship as it is considerably more difficult to attribute one's success to anyone other than oneself.
- Finishing multiple choice exams in the shortest amount of time possible is highly recommended.
- Avoiding the persons mentioned in #1 will drastically reduce your pre-exam stress.
- Taking a pre-exam constitutional is the most economical way to accomplish #4