Friday, June 3, 2011


What do you think when you read that word? When you hear that word?  Do you immediately think of someone in particular or a group of people in particular?  Do you immediately scrutinize the person who said it and in what context they used the word?  Or, do you skip straight to judgment as this word is a strict no-fly zone and any usage, regardless of context or intent, is cause for immediate hostile rebuttal?

I'm finding more and more that people in the general public belong to the latter grouping and their reasoning is simple, clear, and beyond reproach: "They can't help it."

These are the exact words quoted to me today by an individual who has precious little in the way of life experience and perspective but has a wealth of personal opinion based on nothing more than his own life (what more do you need, really?)

I had made the 'verbal faux' pas while referring to the fact that this imbecile individual had spoken to me in a manner that is altogether unbecoming and undeserving of any human.  This person was quick to correct me and mention that I, "Shouldn't use that word because those people can't help it.

This has got me wondering, do I use this word flippantly?  I am well aware of the derogatory connotations associated with the word and am fairly certain I meant none of them in my usage (at this time or any other time).  When I used the word 'retarded' today, I was specifically referring to the fact that this person was treating me in a manner that suggested they thought that I was unable to comprehend their normal speech and that i had taken offense to their subsequent condescension.

I loathe avoiding controversy simply because everyone else does and I really don't believe I am using this word in a derogatory manner.  Perhaps I am in need of enlightenment. Perhaps I need to use another word; but, in any case, there exists the fact that people exist who are of lower intelligence and mental capacity than others just the same as there exist people who are of different ethnicities.  These characteristics are apparent and they are not inherently wrong.

I am thinking in circles now.  I can only say that I don't believe it is wrong to point out a distinction but it does become 'wrong' when you intend that distinction to suggest their inferiority/your superiority.

Any thoughts, moron?

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